Nothing has been more uncertain than this pandemic. Job markets are dry (at least given the paucity of investment in training to upskill ad reskill the workforce). Though focused on the UK market, a report
by London School of Economics notes that the total training expenditure per trainee has fallen by 17%.

As a result, the unprepared workforce needs to constantly grapple with the new skills and digital savviness that the new economy operates in.

The quality and duration of these training programs also needs to augment to cater to new technological, analytical and digital advancements of the modern workforce.

That said, there are a few ways in which this job market and workforce learning chasm can be closed.

Invest in online courses and certifications.
While certifications can give you a broad knowledge and latest information scoop about your industry and your niche, taking top performing online courses can upgrade you to a more advanced level. Vouch for courses that guarantee your a said return that they promised – that way, you have trust in their course’s content and overall merit.

Invest in developing transferable skills. Although it’s great to be a specialist in your field, but it is equally important to trace the immediate transitions in your job role over a period of say 3-5 years: more from a generalist perspective. Look at your career from a macro perspective to see where all your skills can be put to use for a larger job purpose. For example: A great sales veteran can make a switch to customer success – given that he understands the buyer’s pain points and key drivers in a more nuanced way. He can then apply his sales understanding and EQ to build trust through a strong business rapport with the customer in question.

Foster apprenticeship in your company or the company you work for. On-programme learning initiatives and ensuing activities can rewire your organisation for adaptation and constant change in the market. Custom designed on-the-job training, coaching and assessment can catapult your employees to become learning advocates and build an effective learning culture in your organisation. This will also set a precedent for pursuing apprenticeship in your organisation for attracting prospective talent in the job market.

How are you upskilling and reskilling yourself to stay competitive the new post-COVID world?

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash