I heard this statement from one of the prolific speakers/ authors at PRCAI event (Public Relations Consultants Association of India) that I attended in Gurgaon, India, a few days back.
And it’s quite hard-hitting. Partly because everyone tries to latch on to opportunities that seem to be ‘trending’, but people miss the bus when it’s gone and sometimes when it abruptly ends.
It’s not just true for public relations or communication professionals when they leverage trends in the market to get media coverage for their clients. It is also true for any brand, regardless of the market they operate in, to intentionally build something that lasts – or at least worth the pivot.
While we all talk about the digital-driven workforce/era – and so, we can launch a digital business, scale it and thrive. But the heart of what’s needed is not just to harp on how the businesses are evolving, but also to create something that has a culture, story, humanness, and purpose. Sounds cliché? Not quite; don’t just look at how commercially viable your business proposition is, look for a connection with your audience. Look for a story where your audience plays a crucial role in narrating it by being anchors of your voice.
Bring your personal slant to your brand instead of being a me-too brand who just wants to join the fray – irrespective of whether you are going in a direction or not.
Authenticity is scarce, so ride on it – for real. Having a voice and then building it while pacing with the wave will last you longer and make you more credible than just having a short-lived outlook.
How? By being self-aware and knowing your personal click on being successful.
Think bold. Create ‘something’ that is original to you. Iterate. And then make it a revolution instead of just a passing trend.
And for creating something you don’t always need to be disruptive; be yourself and be better than your ecosystem. By being better – either you could be the classic tinkerer or a saddle that weighs down on what matters the most to you, or you could just think differently than others. But it all boils down to having a voice that clearly communicates what is substantive and needful for your market.
Go back to your drawing board.
Imagine. And create.