I love this topic. The good part? People are soaking up to it quite sooner than I thought. It’s so crucial to express this emotion in all our decisions- be it business, personal or professional. We even have career title(s) that connote the word empathy – like Chief Heart Officer – and justly so. What’s more? Even CEOs are meant to be Chief Empathy Officers. This is because people resonate more with these emotionally-evoking ‘practitioners’ than mere ‘corporatish’ titles.
The most understood language – no matter in how many variations – is is this undertone that binds us to anyone: Empathy.
Although we know what empathy means, but we still need to practise reflecting on it by putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes and identifying his/her situation.
Every brand reflects some kind of emotion – say, independence, adventure, security, achievement, etc. And the best way to express them is when you communicate it with a sense of compassion and humility. Which is why some brands perpetually resonate with us, even when they refresh their brand appeal/ look or go through some kind of ‘brand engineering’.
When you empathetically feel the other side, you can sharpen your brand language (aka messaging) visually and emotionally by learning to keenly listen to why your customers love you (even more).
Words have a more powerful impact on your audience/ community when you take the time to observe, analyse and listen to what your audience ‘feels’ when they connect with your brand.
Sure, your marketing/ brand veteran can have his/ her own version of empathy connect; but you can unearth way more variations of empathic connect and translate it into ‘messaging that not just works; but also feels’. Why? Because feelings are rooted in the ability to fundamentally ‘get’ your audience and ‘emotionally’ moving them to make a difference.
To make a change, understand what changes your audience’s perspective/ way of thinking.
You don’t have to be a revolutionary thinker to make your brand stand out. You have to be a resolute reader, observer and listener so that your authenticity shines out.
In a more digitally connected – and increasingly inclusive – world, empathy can emotionally take you to places even where you’re not physically present. Empathy can open professional/ career/ business avenues when you least expect. Empathy can make you a more meaningful entrepreneur or professional. Empathy builds and cultivates a culture in which makes people free to learn, unlearn and relearn. Why? Because you care to care. You listen to listen. You love to love. No transactional element. Oh, and even relational element sounds passe to me. Only empathy. Pure purpose to understand the other side. That’s when real conversations happen.
Indeed, the best decisions – short-term and long-term – are taken when you have empathy.
No matter what your brand values are, always imbibe empathy in your messaging and general communications. It’s the best ‘sweet helm’ where you come across new people and experiences.
Starting point you may ask? Build a ‘community of empathic practice’ and let the world action it out. Think from the place of ’togetherness’ and ‘love’, you will naturally evoke empathy with the other side.
Well, if you think you’re too small to make a difference, I urge you to think again. It all starts with ‘you’.
I promise, you’ll thank me later 🙂