Seeking – and giving – inspiration is blissful. It is riveting and a beautiful soul-searching process.
Finding meaning in small yet significant areas of your life makes you complete and content in your being. Just like how you can learn to be happy the way you learn a musical instrument as per the recent post on Inc, here, likewise you can learn and make inspiration a process that soon cultivates into a habit.
When we get into a certain process or a system, our daily actions become a habit over a period of time.However, this process doesn’t culminate into a habit so easily – there is a lot of hard work initially to train our mind to treat every outcome or learning as a hallmark of inspiration.
Weed out the dead weight from your life.
When you get rid of the dead log from your life, you create more space for positive energy and healthy cogitation: of what people, ideas, things and events that define your life. That way there is room for harnessing the power of positive energy and procreating inspiring moments not just for yourself but also for others.
Be on the plus side.
Well, before I write any further, grey matters. No matter how much skewed a situation maybe toward negativity or darker side, have a perspective to rationalize that it is still in control and can be resolved. Don’t cast an eye on problems from an acutely negative and myopic standpoint – imagine the bigger possibilities via ironing out the not-so-pleasant aspects and arriving at the ‘plus’ side of every outcome. Create consensus via envisioning a situation from a ‘creation and growth’ mindset. That way you develop an eye to see the spark of inspiration where others may see none.
Be a part of a bigger purpose.
Connect your passion with a larger calling – something which defines the world more profoundly. It could be as meaningful a being part of a campaign or cause or a movement. Make yourself count for others in every possible action or deed. It slowly multiplies and becomes a memoir of inspiration for others.
Inspiration is not a one-time act; it is a gradual belief in a supreme power and an emotion that binds us all together. It’s a sacred muse that connects us to our deepest reservoir of our purpose of being.
And bestows us a gift to seek meaning and sensibility in every little thing in our life.
So inspire and be inspired. And repeat. Again.