You start off with steam and rigour and passion – that initial first attraction with your prospective partner feels so much worth it. A few pleasantries and some butter-jam conversations then settle you at that basic point – more like an inadvertent set point for how much love can you take or receive. Post which, you seem to somehow analyse the spark that bonded you two together. And now, it seems to fizzle – leaving you emotionally and physically drained to even start the same ‘love exploration journey’ with other prospective people in your consideration list.
Well, this is seriously exhausting and sometimes feel like a drudge to keep marching forward in your dating world.
Now, let’s cast a view on how this correlates with branding.
You build a near-perfect, you-entrenched website.
You create your brand message that you are so passionate about.
You have your content mission in place – thanks to always believing in your brand’s purpose.
And bam! You land a few visitors breezing through your website (glad they noticed!).
Better yet, a few visitors read your blogs and they subscribe to your content!
Whether you’re a product, service or solution company, If you err on the subscription and email-optin part for them to know more about you through your content, you’re in for some nudge.
Now that emotional and perception delta of how you want your audience to see you versus how they actually see you is the risk muscle you need to build and keep working on until you two are aligned on the ‘comprehension’ part.
Circling back to the dating part: Aren’t we all taking some kind of risk to reveal our vulnerability to our prospective partners at some point? Speaking of which, who wouldn’t like to be accepted, listened to, and engaged with when you are in the ‘communication’ stage of your dating journey?
As with the branding part: you need to make micro commitments with your audience to truly know how they feel about your brand. A book called Sales EQ by Jeb Blount talks about these micro commitments in the sales and buying process. And so can be applied to how you can win your audience’s trust by engaging them form the get go towards build a strong rapport.
This starts by asking the right questions:
1) What do you find useful when engaging with my content?
2) How can we channelize your no’s to positive affirmations? Put simply, what is it that you’d like me to change in my communication approach?
3) What does your business worldview look like? How can I emotionally meld into it?
4) What kind of stakeholders matter to you when you decide on making informed brand choices?
This screening intelligence helps you create content that is aligned with their personal, social and business motivation.
Over to you.
Do you find parallels between branding and dating?
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash