Real quick: Life has been interesting to me, given that I slowly adsorb situations, perspectives and new ideas.
So anything that is fairly new takes me some time to sink in with it.
Which is why slow learners have the best retention capacity because they really consume and mull over when they read/ learn/ absorb something.
I love reading – not because I like to regurgitate some text, but to learn and pivot. But more so, I want to be a better human, above anything else, so that I can be of some kind of servitude to people around me, at any given time.
Yes, I’m a slow learner – and there is some paradoxical narrative to it: when you learn slowly, you are more deliberate and intuitive in your thinking.
You take a rather academic approach even in business situations. The sanguine part? People love being taught. And here, you’re the teacher, and you’re the taught.
And lastly: you actually become fast in contemplative learning because you’ve flexed your learning muscles to be more immersive.
So don’t feel out of place when you can’t pace up with fast learning; the truth is you’ve already arrived in your learning journey to go deep rather than meandering with fast, new things.
Chances are, you already are ‘in the know’ and that is why you’re skipped things that don’t matter in your ’sorted learning’ radar.
To your slow, but definitive learning progress!
You’ve come a long way – congratulate yourself on that.
Now go deeper; the world needs your expertise.