I wound up last year with an amazing book called ‘Clear Thinking’ by Shane Parrish. In it I came across many different kinds of defaults – the one that stuck…
I wound up last year with an amazing book called ‘Clear Thinking’ by Shane Parrish. In it I came across many different kinds of defaults – the one that stuck…
I’m currently reading a book called ’Super Communicators’ by the legendary Charles Duhigg. (Never missed any of his editions – splendid!). I learned how to improvise on my communication skills…
Have you ever asked yourself: of what you desire from your higher self? When we communicate with ourselves in the absolute, sensibly best manner – we always operate in the…
Being a student of life and our work cultivates our self-learning coach in us. Our most peculiar vulnerabilities and shining attributes are exposed when you learn at your own pace….
I love Ankur Warikoo’s content – its spellbinding and nutritious. In one of his posts he talks about the discipline to create content. Yes, creating content on a consistent basis…
I read on X that by (almost) 2030, weighing all humans’ intellect and placing them against AI, AI wins? Not quite. Yes, AI is powering the world, disrupting industries and…
As I write this I’m sitting in my favourite cafe by the name of Rose Cafe. It brings resplendence in my soul. It ushers in a new me: for my…
Being on a mission is unlocking your internal spiritual pharmacy to navigate the obstacles that come your way. My mother always says, ‘People take up jobs, I take up mission’. …
I read an amazing LinkedIn post by Justin Welsh that says, ‘Your followers are a count/ number, your community is your asset’ – which extends to say they (aka your…
Isn’t this a classic song by Roxette? Certainly my favourite! – talk about how a song’s meaning can have an impact on your personal branding efforts. While Mind can be…