ID-10098849 (1)Without further ado, the answer is a resounding yes.  We all know this answer – then why such a question? Because it is everywhere – contagious  in ways we cannot imagine.

‘Toxicity’ can kill the productivity in ways that are not comprehensible to the human mind. Think about it: whenever you have a small quarrel with your colleague at office, you tend spoil your entire day just festering over it – no matter how much unflappable are at projecting your thick-skinned professional demeanour at office. And the worst part is that you no matter how emotionally well-balanced you are in your life, you somehow still get acutely influenced with small not-so-pleasant triggers.

Result? Your work suffers; your deadlines are not met; you are anxious and forgetful of the most fundamental office errands; and you are only spoiling the environment by making it toxic for people to deal with.

From a minute unpleasant word to a gigantic venomous spiel, from someone very close to you, being toxic not only lingers but spoils both – your personal and professional relationship.

So what can one do to stave off from toxic people or toxic relationships?

Find a group of people that match your mental and emotional wavelength. And sometimes when you don’t find such people, invest in your betterment to attract those kind of people in your life. Investment in terms of reading good books, connecting with people that resonate with your personality, mental state and attitude via joining  community – say going to church, book club, a gathering or a social initiative– somewhere you feel you are in sync with your highest self. The goal is to keep raising the bar of your quest towards personal excellence.

Meditate. Practice the art of mindfulness every day – even if it is for 10 minutes – but do it diligently. You need to be literally sitting with your loges crossed and meditating; you can also meditate when you are watching something resplendent, like a sunset, or simply thinking through with a brewed cuppa. Liked I mentioned earlier, meditation is a great vetting activity – your mind irons out the quirks and kinks from your mind library, sorts them into compartments and eliminates the negative energy in a just a few minutes.

Have the right intent behind your actions. Always have a noble seed of thought that transpires into having healthy relationships in your life. It is rightly said, when you really think with a noble intent, you invariably, or for the long haul, invite the universe to bestow you with the right tools to improve your immediate surroundings and relationships with people.

Faith.  Believe in your good deeds and have faith in your relationships – they were somehow given to you because deep down inside this is what you believe to be your status-quo. Inject affirmations in your mind, write down your ideal relationships on paper and practice it until it reaches the stage of auto suggestion in your subconscious terrain. Rest, manifestation happens!

The panacea to get rid of toxic relations is an ‘inside job.’

By improving your outlook, you can improve your surroundings – and your relationships.

Work in first person; that is, starting with you – and make it contagious!

Image courtesy of  Stuart Miles at