
Have you ever asked yourself: of what you desire from your higher self?

When we communicate with ourselves in the absolute, sensibly best manner – we always operate in the realm of excellence.

So: let’s dig deeper: What is Idealism?

It is seeking the best outcomes for ourselves in a given context, with the given resources, yet beckoning our stretch goals so we could be a better version of who we are.

Having expectations from our ideal self differs from what we aim in our relative capacity to get it.

You see, you receive what your ideal self beckons and you ‘get’ what you don’t quite operate with your highest vision.

Not that, ‘getting’ is a mundane word – but true reciprocity happens when you call out your desires of idealism and that’s when nature helps your ‘receive’ those rewards that are meant for you.

Rise above the pedestrian plane and reach out to the world to truly endow the planet with your unique gifts and divine contributions.

Let’s practice to be our ideal versions – and see the magic happen!

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash