Competition is everywhere.
And to an extent, it’s inspiring to see your competitors knocking it out of the park in clocking revenues and making profits.
Why should anyone see competition as sabotaging or threatening?
Isn’t it a great way to reimagine the possibilities of your own brand when you’re awed by how your competitors are faring in the market?
But let’s also consider another way of viewing your competition.
Sometimes, we also see competition creating a sense of overwhelm. And instead of it jolting us into making us a better version of ourselves, it can gnaw us into this spiral of never-ending self-doubt of our own potential.
Ever wondered how great you have been all this time?
Perhaps a year back from now, you weren’t that competent writing; but now, you’re getting better!
Simple self-benchmarking can help us become incrementally better.
Nobody knows your potential better than you. The reason I used the word ‘potential’ is to let you know that there’s a whole world of possibilities residing right within you.
Now, how you harness your capabilities into brand success hinges on your personal improvement yardstick.
All the best performers seek inspiration from the depths of their potential.
Beyonce is one of the ideal examples of creating legendary music by always self-evaluating her performance before she gets on to the stage for her next act.
Self-competition is course-correcting with your own wisdom and rationale – so you can create your own brand differentiators in the market.
In the words of Eduardo Briceño, he reveals a simple way to think about getting better at the things you do, whether that’s work, parenting, or creative hobbies – that is, alternating between the learning zone and the performance zone.
In the context of self-competition, when you learn from your mistakes, parlay them into small, incremental wins. Your performance is a reflection of your inner work.

Go and knock it out of the park! And just remember how good enough you’ve been all this while!