I’m currently reading a book called ’Super Communicators’ by the legendary Charles Duhigg. (Never missed any of his editions – splendid!).
I learned how to improvise on my communication skills with almost anyone I spoke with.
There were times when I felt inadequate when my perspective taking by others wasn’t matched – better yet aligned.
And, then I thought why is it that I feel so much more emotional when I converse while others’ just missed my heart-warming conversation starters (and honest attempts at expressing myself).
Sometimes body language gave me hints to how should I shape the conversation – and now, that we are all spending gazillion hours traversing online, and then digital dispositions come into me aperture.
So, here’s what’s my biggest learning from the book: it’s always best to pattern our understanding to have the most useful and intentional conversations by –
- Knowing what’s it all about – Is the conversation more practical than emotional? Or vice-versa? By understanding the flow from the source of what the conversation entails helps you to know what to expect from your communication. Now, I realise that my conversations were on the emotional plane and that’s why things felt uneven and discomfiting. But now I am sorted – thanks to this book.
- How we feel – By making practical and emotional choices, you feel listened to and embraced with your own, unique feeling of emotional inclusion.
- Who are we – And, eventually, the social mindset is cultivated when we in a social context feel satiated with our conversation.
Now, with this renewed understanding of having deep, beautiful, heart-filling and satiating conversations just start with this one question: Is this an emotional or a practical conversation? You’ll feel pleasantly surprised by your matured move and conversational grace.
Happy conversating!
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash